translated from Spanish: Mobilizations toward the UNAJ and UNQ against the defunding of public universities

the public University is a right, not a privilege. With this premise and demonstrating against the defunding of the sector, thousands of young people and adults were mobilized this morning at the National University of Arturo Jauretche and will do so to the Quilmes from the 17.

The idea is to make a symbolic embrace the educational institutions that, like so many others, have been affected by cuts arranged by the national Government.

Under the hashtags #AbrazoALaUNAJ and #AbrazoALaUNQ, disseminated the move through Twitter and achieved the support of personalities such as Axel Kiciloff and Alejandro Dolina.

The activities started around 10 in the morning, when protesters rallied against the UNAJ, located in Florencio Varela. From there, a caravan of cars headed for the ESET (school technique of the University of Quilmes) where took to paste posters.

At 15:30 approximately circulated by “neuralgic points of Quilmes and Bernal to visualize the difficulties facing the national universities in general and UNQ in particular,” according to a statement.

The mobilization will conclude within the University of Quilmes, where reiterarán claims against budget cuts and the agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The great call can be seen in this video: #AbrazoalaUNAJ #AbrazoalaUNQ quilmes

underfunding of the universities against mobilisation

Original source in Spanish

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