translated from Spanish: If there is a workshop where fans are repaired, Gatell turns to Aureoles

In Morelia, Michoacán, there is an Engineering Center where fans are repaired for serious patients with COVID-19, invested the undersecretary of Prevention and Health Promotion, Hugo López-Gatell, the governor of Michoacán, Silviano Aureoles, who assured that this workshop did not exist in the state.
At the president’s morning conference, Zoé Robledo, director of IMSS, said they took an inventory and found 24 different brands of fans in Social Security, “we identified which were not in service because they lacked consumables, not part of the equipment, but a consumable”
Robledo explained that they had a strategy with 321 fans in a Michoacán Engineering Center in Morelia. “They take pieces of each other to repair others, put them on the go, test them and then make them available.”
But Aureoles stated, in a social media video, that there was no IMSS workshop in Morelia where fans for serious COVID-19 patients are repaired.
At the evening conference on Lopez-Gatell disease he presented a video showing the process of repairing the fans at the Morelia Institute of Technology, where mecatronic engineering students and graduates are engaged in the repair of these equipment.
There are 111 fans that are being repaired at that center, where staff disinfect them, classify them by markings, make an initial diagnosis of the appliance and repair it.
Lopez-Gatell took advantage of the presentation of the video to point out that state governments are health authority in this which is called concurrence, “and we are facing a process that leads to stress and vehement expression, but can lead to confusion.”
From what he called calm, “we have six weeks of epidemic left in this first cycle and we have to remain calm, be affable and understand that we are in one country,” the undersecretary stressed after Aureoles said and the nape governors’ complaints that the federation had sent unustainable inputs to deal with the pandemic, which also demined.
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Original source in Spanish

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