translated from Spanish: “Take care of yourself”, the country’s cartoonists join the fight against Covid-19

The national government launched the campaign “Take care of us consisting of 10 illustrated care against the coronavirus”, of which they participated: Quino, Meiji, Lunik, Daniel Paz, Maitena, Altuna, Sendra, Langer, Isol, REP, and Daniel Santoro and Olivetti.La initiative is a joint action organized and devised by the Ministry of Media of the Nation, with the participation of the ministries of Health and Culture, and has the drawings of the artists. The strip of drawings, whose images with the ten recommendations are part of a sequence, suitable for graphics and videoComienza with Malfada, endearing character of Quino who is always concerned about humanity and world peace, sad in front of a world that is pierced by a bandage. And continue with other creations by the artists participating in the campaign.

Your illustrations can be seen this Sunday in all the newspapers and portals of the country and on social networks. But they will also be distributed in booklet format so that each Argentine household can access these recommendations.#CuidadosIlustrados is the hashtag that calls this campaign that seeks to raise awareness of the main care recommended by the health authorities. Care is: 1. Wash your hands with soap frequently2. Sneezing and coughing at the elbow crease;3. Don’t touch your face4. Clean everyday objects5. Ventilate all the environments every day6. Do not share matte, crockery, or cutlery7; If you have to go out, use homemade beard and keep the distance between people8. If you have a cough fever, sore throat or shortness of breath, check your health care system for a phone.9 Inform yourself with reliable sources. Don’t spread fake news10. Be supportive, help those who need it with their daily purchases or digital paperwork.

Original source in Spanish

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