translated from Spanish: NL reports new outbreak of COVID-19 in asylum and baby with coronavirus

The Secretary of Health of Nuevo León, Manuel de la O Cavazos, reported on Sunday about a new outbreak of COVID-19 in an asylum of the entity, in this case in the city of Monterrey.
Testing confirmed the contagion of 14 older adults, of the 16 inhabitants of the retirement center. In addition, two workers of the site have coronavirus, of a staff of seven employees.
The asylum, indicated by the owner of the sector, is private.
So far, the health status of the infected has not been specified.
According to the Middle El Norte, De la O said that older adults were transferred to their family homes and will have special review by state health staff.
On May 5, the first outbreak was recorded in an asylum in Nuevo León, in the metropolitan municipality of Guadalupe, where more than 70 contagions were confirmed and three older adults died due to the disease.
In the same municipality of Guadalupe there was another outbreak in an asylum, with 11 confirmed cases of older adults with the coronavirus, the state government reported on May 14.
In another state of the country, in Tabasco, there was an outbreak at the Casa del Arbol asylum in Villahermosa, which killed six older adults.
Confirm coronavirus in a baby
The New Lion Health Secretary also reported this May 17 about an 18-day-old baby born who tested positive for COVID-19.
The baby was hospitalized for bronchiolitis, subsequently had the coronavirus test and tested positive. You are waiting for the result of the test that was given to your parents.
Nuevo León records 866 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and 54 deaths from COVID-19.

I share with you the #COVID19 figures today. Don’t go out if you don’t have to. Protect your older adults and anyone from risk groups such as diabetics, hypertensive or autoimmune diseases. #QuedáteEnCasa
— Dr. Manuel de la O (@DrManueldelaO) May 17, 2020

With information from Notimex and El Norte
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Original source in Spanish

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