translated from Spanish: Aspiring councillor killed by official in Brazil

Brazil.- The aspiring councillor in the Brazilian city of Sponsorship (Minas Gerais, southeast of the country) Cassio Remis was shot dead on Thursday by the municipal secretary of public works, Jorge Marra, after making a live broadcast in which he reported irregularities in a work. Remis, a 37-year-old lawyer who lost the election for mayor of the city in 2016 to Deiró Marra, brother of the murderer who is fugitive, made the video of proselytizing complaint with a work on an avenue in the city when he was interrupted by the municipal official, who snatched his cell phone.
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Cassio Remis during campaigns in Brazil. 

Minutes later, Remis, who was already the youngest councillor to preside over the Municipal Chamber and served a term between 2008 and 2016, headed to the mayor’s office to claim his phone when he was shot dead by the Secretary of Public Works, who fled after hitting five shots into the lawyer’s head. The politician, of the Brazilian Social Democracy Party (PSDB). he died at the mayor’s seat and according to the mayor his brother is in an “unknown whereabouts” and he expects him to report to the authorities to exercise his right of defense.

#URGENTE Former President da Comara de Patrocínio, interior of Minas, and pre-candidate for a vereador, Cássio Remis foi morto shooting during live na tarde desta quintaNas images, appears or secretário of works and irmcao do prefeito Deiró Marra, Jorge Marra. Coletiva ocorrerá em 30 min — Negrisoli (@lucasnegrisoli)
September 24, 2020

We regret everything that happened, that sequence of acts, absolutely unjustified, culminating in the death of former Councilman Cassio Remis, pointed out the mayor of the Democratic Party (DEM)

The Minas Gerais Civil Police advance investigations into the death of the lawyer, who hoped to formalize his candidacy as a councillor for the agricultural city of the interior of that state, the second most populous in the country and of which Belo Horizonte is its regional capital.

The first round of elections to renew the mayors and councils of the country’s 5,570 municipalities will be held in Brazil on 15 November.

Original source in Spanish

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