translated from Spanish: Edomex. They save 22 puppies; they took them off the street but they didn’t take care of them

State of Mexico.- In response to a citizen complaint of mistreatment and abandonment, authorities of the municipality of Ecatepec rescued 22 puppies who lived in deplorable and unsanitary conditions in a home in the Villas de Guadalupe Xalostoc colonyThe inhabitants of the area reported a considerable number of puppies who suffered in their state of health due to lack of food , water and basic hygiene; there was even a strong and unpleasant smell of feces from outside the home.
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The authority reported that the dogs are of different races, ages and sizes, which had an obvious neglect, dehydration and even some had pictures of malnutrition and minor wounds, most likely made between them. Read more: 72 migrants abandoned on Mexico-Queretaro highway, 44 were minors! Its owner…
The 22 puppies were under the shelter of a woman between 30 and 35 years of age, who apparently picked them up from the street, but did not give them food or water constantly. She suffers from her mental faculties, she has schizophrenia. All the rooms of the building were full of the dirt left by the animals since they were all loose in the house, although one of them of pit bull breed was attached to the leg of a piece of furniture with a heavy chain that prevented him from moving freely. The site also found a dog that had just given birth to six puppies a few days ago, the babies were still with their eyes closed and totally dependent on their mother. Read more: Attention: road inudations cause partial service on Line 8 of the CDMX MetroThe complaint of mistreatment and abandonment against the woman was made to the Directorate of Ecology and Environment of the municipality of Ecatepec, whose staff went to the aforementioned address and saved the 22 puppies to then transfer them to the Canine and Feline Care Center of Ecatepec.

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