translated from Spanish: CDMX will deploy more than 8 thousand police to monitor the return to school

The government of Mexico City will deploy a security operation for the return to school, next Monday, August 30, with 6,628 security elements (preventive and metropolitan police).
In a press conference, the Secretary of Citizen Security (SSC), Omar Garcia Harfuch, explained that the operation will have the support of more than 2 thousand patrols, motorcycles, cranes and two aircraft to support in surveillance tasks to the personnel who are on the ground.
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In addition, 630 traffic elements will assist in the main roads for travel and avoid accidents; while 620 cadets of the Mexico City police will be deployed in 150 schools for accompaniment, orientation, and will distribute antibacterial gel and bottle covers.
According to Garcia Harfuch, 170 elements of the Secretariat’s school security unit will be distributed in the basic education schools considered high risk by the Federal Education Authority in the CDMX.
In total, there will be 8 thousand 48 troops deployed in the CDMX for the return to face-to-face classes.

In the back-to-school operation, they will pay greater attention to areas with a high incidence of crime, such as Gustavo A. Madero, Álvaro Obregón, and Iztapalapa.
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He explained that the personnel will be distributed according to their areas of competence, so that the elements of Police Operation, Traffic Control, and Citizen Participation and Crime Prevention, will carry out the following specific actions:
-Installation of the Command Post for the follow-up, coordination and monitoring of the operation for the return to school.
-Dynamic patrolling and police presence in the SEP campuses at the federal and local levels, as well as in private institutions.
-Safe Trails on the routes to the educational facilities.
There will also be fixed and mobile surveillance in strategic areas of public transport in Mexico City (Metro, Metrobús, Light Rail), with support from auxiliary and banking police. 
Harfuch announced that they will reinforce more than 100 quadrants – out of a total of 847 – in GAM, Iztapalapa, Xochimilco, Tlalpan, Álvaro Obregón, Miguel Hidalgo and Cuauhtémoc.
In the CDMX, face-to-face classes will resume without restriction of capacity, without staggered schedules and there will be no school closures in case of a contagion.
The head of government, Claudia Sheinbaum, has insisted that there will be all the necessary conditions for a safe return to the classrooms.
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Original source in Spanish

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