COVID cases decrease 19%; 53.4 million have been vaccinated

On the last day, the Ministry of Health registered one thousand 666 new confirmed cases of COVID in Mexico, with which there are already 3 million 783 thousand 327 infections since the beginning of the pandemic.
According to the Health technical statement, 87 confirmed deaths from COVID were reported. So far, 286,346 deaths have been recorded.
The agency estimates that infections decreased 19% between weeks 38 and 40 of the year, and that there are currently 30,214 active cases.
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In the last five weeks, most cases were present in the 18-29 age groups, followed by those 30-39 and 40-49 years.

The states with the highest number of active cases per 100,000 inhabitants are Baja California, Mexico City, Tabasco, Guanajuato and Yucatan.
Nationally, general bed occupancy for COVID patients is 22%, while ventilator beds are 20%.

Daily Technical Statement: Novel Coronavirus in the World #COVID19 | October 24, 2021
— SALUD Mexico (@SSalud_mx) October 24, 2021

This Saturday, 627,626 doses of COVID vaccines were applied, for a total of 115,185,985 supplied throughout the country.
According to Health, 69 million 974 thousand 180 people have received at least one vaccine: 76% (53.4 million) have a complete scheme, while 24% (16.4 million) only have the first dose.
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Original source in Spanish

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