Mexico registers 4,287 cases of COVID; 64.5 million have been vaccinated

In the last day, the Ministry of Health registered 4,287 new cases of COVID and 336 deaths. As of November 24, 3,872,263 infections have been confirmed in Mexico since the beginning of the epidemic.
Health has confirmed 293,186 deaths from COVID in Mexico, and has classified 14,529 as suspicious.
According to the technical statement of Health, there are 20 thousand 381 estimated active cases, and the trend of infections has decreased 13% between weeks 43 and 44 of the year.
See also: Vaccination in Mexico is insufficient in the face of a fourth wave of COVID, PAHO warns
The states with the highest number of active cases per 100,000 inhabitants are Baja California, Sonora and Baja California Sur, while Chiapas, Veracruz and Michoacán have the lowest incidence.

Nationally, general bed occupancy for COVID patients is 17%, and ventilator bed occupancy is 13%.
On Tuesday, 187,912 vaccines were applied, for a total of 131,379,625 doses supplied throughout the country.
According to official figures, 76 million 46 thousand 332 people (85% of the adult population) have received at least one dose. 85% of them have a complete scheme, and 15% only with the first one.
Mexico City, Quintana Roo and Queretaro are the states with the most vaccinated people, while Chiapas, Oaxaca and Guerrero are the ones that have applied the least.
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Original source in Spanish

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