Boric for meeting with Parisi: “We are talking about it”

The presidential candidate of Apruebo Dignidad, Gabriel Boric, was present as the first guest to “Las caras de La Moneda”, a program hosted by Don Francisco where he delved into the political and personal life of the deputy. It was in that context, where he was asked if he will finally attend the virtual meeting with Franco Parisi agreed for this Friday in his program “Bad Boys”. In this sense, Boric addressed the significance of social networks. “You have to understand that virtual space is a territory like a neighborhood or a commune. When a person does their campaign through social networks and gets the support of 900,000 people, there is something there that we have to understand.” With this, he also alluded to Parisi’s alimony debt, replying that “I will never insult all the women who have suffered from irresponsible parents who do not pay the pension. In that sense, not as the other candidate said, here there is nothing to clarify, there is something to fulfill. Therefore, I am not going to change my principles.” Don Francisco asked again about the decision to attend the program, and the candidate decided that “we are talking about it, it is something that we do not have defined.” “The candidate also addressed the breakdown of his friendship with the mayor of Valparaíso, Jorge Sharp, indicating that before the first round they had a rapprochement. “I’m going to tell an infidelity. Jorge called me the Saturday before the election. I was in Punta Arenas. And he called me and we had a good conversation. We didn’t talk long ago,” he said. Both distanced themselves after the agreement of November 15, where the alternative of a new constitution was defined as the political solution to the post-social outbreak crisis. In this sense, Boric said that with the communal chief, “a bridge was built, because we have indeed been estranged from Jorge (…) And I believe that this bridge, which today can be hanging and moving, we will soon turn it into one of firm cement so that we can go back and forth.”

Original source in Spanish

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