New Year’s Eve Stress: When It Needs to Be Treated

December is known by most as one of the most oppressive months. This, because in addition to falling on him the accumulation of the whole year, there are many commitments and events that it brings with it. Social commitments, New Year’s Eve parties, Christmas, New Year and greater workload due to the end of the year, are some of them, and all influence that it costs to get up in the morning, increase the feeling of exhaustion and make headaches more frequent, symptoms that translate into stress.
But how to cope with the stress of the end of the year? The head of the Emotional Unit of Clínica Indisa, Josefina Guzmán, recommends taking it with caution, but always taking actions to treat stress.
“To combat stress we have to start by deactivating the alert thresholds we have regarding our duties or pending things. Therefore, alternative therapies or physical activity that allow the release and regulation of hormones, cardiovascular and brain, which are the main centers of alert, are always recommended, “he points out.
On the other hand, it should be considered that stress itself is not a negative thing. “An adequate amount may even be necessary to activate and motivate us to achieve certain goals or objectives,” he explains.
How do I know if I suffer from stress?
First, it is convenient to determine what stress is, which is defined as any situation that affects people’s habits or habitual routine. In fact, every day we are exposed to some stress. “It can be from a taco to a greater workload, which produces a greater activation of the nervous, immune, neurological systems, among others. The end of the year has several events associated with it that, although we know them, we never know how they can go out, and that’s why we get stressed,” says Guzmán.
Now, to determine if you have stress, there are very specific symptoms that characterize it:

Muscle tension or pain.
Discomfort in the chest.
Change in sexual desire.
Upset stomach: diarrhea or constipation.
Sleep problems.

How to combat stress?
Although you can learn to control stress, it is inevitable not to feel it, so it is crucial to know its symptoms, acquire habits that contribute to face it in a better way and, above all, if it becomes unsustainable, treat it.
Some recommendations to deal better with the last month of the year and their commitments are to properly organize the time and schedules, being realistic in the time that each activity takes us, including rest, meals and transfers.
Also learn to say no and give up what escapes our abilities, as well as lower the level of demand for the holidays and have realistic expectations.
It is always important to be optimistic and have a good attitude, in addition to having a routine of physical activity and maintaining a balanced diet, rich in fruits and vegetables, since a good diet helps to achieve greater concentration.
“It should be considered that the symptoms of stress become even more acute when the person assumes that he is suffering from such a situation, as he feels unable to control it. Therefore, the insistence on their treatment with a specialist, especially when it comes to sporadic acute stress or a chronic one, “explains Josefina Guzmán.

Original source in Spanish

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