President Piñera says Gabriel Boric is “a good person” and “makes republican sense”

President Sebastián Piñera held a meeting with international media yesterday. In that context, he spoke about the future President, Gabriel Boric, indicating that he is “a good person” and “makes Republican sense,” although he acknowledged “many differences” between the two.
“I have a good opinion of the President-elect. I think he’s a good person, I think he has a republican sense and good intentions,” President Piñera said.
The president, who will leave office on March 11, valued that the former student leader “moderated, changed and showed a different face” in the campaign for the runoff because, in his opinion, “the government program that he proposed during the first round of elections is a program that has failed throughout the world.”
“What Chile needs are reforms with dialogue, collaboration and agreement, not revolutions,” he added from La Moneda.
He also claimed to have suffered “in some matters” a “very obstructionist” opposition from the left and the center-left, although he promised Boric a “firm, but constructive” opposition.
“I told the President that, at least in terms of vaccines, he was going to have a quieter first year than we have. We are going to leave the provisions of 2022 assured,” he said.
The anti-covid vaccination campaign, thanks to which more than 92% of the population (19 million inhabitants) has a complete scheme and 11.3 million have already received the booster dose, is one of the main achievements of the Piñera Government, who acknowledged that his mandate has not been easy.
“It’s hard to find in Chile’s history so many simultaneous crises,” he said, referring to the pandemic, the economic recession and the wave of protests of 2019.
“I feel that Chile, and that is the merit of all Chileans, knew how to face adversity well,” he concluded.

Original source in Spanish

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