City Police Assisted a Woman Who Gave Birth to a Baby Girl

A woman was helped by officers of the Buenos Aires City Police when she was giving birth to a baby girl in an apartment in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of San Nicolás, according to spokesmen for that security force. Regarding the chronology of the event, the members of the Neighborhood Police Station 1-B of the City Police moved to the place of delivery after the call to 911 by a woman in labor.

@Policia_ciudad officers helped a woman who gave birth to a baby girl and formed a cordon sanitaire.
The baby weighed 3.2 kilograms and is in good health with her mother at the Ramos Mejía hospital. — Pampa Monaco (@pampamonaco)
January 19, 2022

When the two policemen arrived, the woman, 43, was in full labor, which led the two officers to collaborate for the birth of the baby. In addition, two other officers went to coordinate work with the Mobile Dispatch Division and prepare a cordon sanitaire that would allow the mother and newborn to be taken to the Ramos Mejía hospital, where they are in good health. On the other hand, because the delivery was carried out in an apartment on the second floor, the presence of firefighters was also requested to descend the woman to the ambulance.

Original source in Spanish

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