Juan Yacuzzi received threats after his complaint of mistreatment in “Cebollitas”

Juan Yacuzzi was the first, of the actors of Cebollitas, who dared to tell the ordeal they lived when they were children and starred in the strip. After his testimony, many others came out to support his sayings and tell their experiences.

However, in an interview with Juan Etchegoyen, the actor who knew how to be “Coqui”, he said that after speaking, he received intimidating calls and threats from those who were producers of that youth strip. They continue in the same position and think that they have more power than us or at least personally they continue with that of taking advantage. ‘I don’t want to talk to you anymore, what do you say than Chives, I don’t want to talk to you anymore’, what a little boy if I’m 40 years old,’ Yacuzzi began by saying. It happened that they have that power over me to tell me that they don’t work with me anymore. I really suck an egg that those producers call me for something,” he said. That’s where that process we had as kids was that. At this point, that they come to threaten me or you did this and close the doors to me does not interest me. On the contrary, I say what a fool you are. You didn’t understand anything. It happened to me and another of the guys,” he added. They closed the doors but I speak in a personal way. I don’t know if the others are going to dare to show messages. Those people who talked too much and continued with the same lies talking in the same way when we were little and know that they are wrong,” he said without giving names. And finally he said: “I suck an egg that handling, who you are, I do not live from them and I am not interested. I never spoke with you in the first note to look for press about this, the talk came out and today Cebollitas could not be done because before there were no cell phones, “he concluded.

Original source in Spanish

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