Evaluna Montaner fell and raised concerns about her pregnancy

Evaluna Montaner raised concerns on social media by sharing a video in which she is seen resting in bed while her husband, singer Camilo Echeverry, healed her knee.  “Today I fell and Camilo takes care of me,” he wrote on social networks and did not give more details of what happened. The truth is that she is in the sweet wait for Indigo, the baby who will turn artists into a father for the first time. In this context, the thousands of followers who are aware of the day to day of the media couple automatically began to ask about the pregnancy in the comments of the video.

Entertainment figures did not speak out about it and fans were left in doubt if everything is in order with the gestation of the baby. However, the lightness of his words at the time of sharing the images suggests that the consequences of the fall did not happen to greater than a scrape on the knee. You can also see the comment of the singer’s father, Ricardo Montaner who wrote: “Evaluna” as if it were a kind of scolding and a worried father who asks her to please take care of herself and rest until she completes the weeks of gestation. 

Original source in Spanish

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