translated from Spanish: Incidents at the door of the INTI when workers of Río Turbio attended an Assembly

this afternoon incidents against the National Institute of Industrial Technology (INTI) when workers of the minera de Rio Turbio approaches Ron the venue of San Martin to participate in an Assembly. 

The same was going to define the membership of workers to the camp of the CTA before Congress, to protest against the adjustment of the 2019 budget, which plans to reduce funding for these entities. 

As you can see in the videos published on networks, there was a struggle between private security guards and the trabajaodres of Río Turbio, Orange dresses. According to what reported, a person from the police – who then joined the repression – shot lead bullets with his regulatory firearm. 


From INTI the repression they denied and pointed out that the security response happened when “wanted to enter forcibly to the INTI, beat people who was at the door and there the brake gave income”. 

After the repression workers were mobilized up to the Congress to participate in the mentioned camping.

Original source in Spanish

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