Republican Responsibility – The Counter

In recent days, we have been able to glimpse some details of the next change of command, a milestone internationally recognized for its republican character. As on previous occasions, on March 11, in the hall of honor of the National Congress, the President will have to deliver the presidential sash to a new leader who represents another political sector.
Time and history will detail the mark that the outgoing president, Sebastián Piñera, will leave as a mark in his second term in charge of the nation. With regard to the beginning of the term of President-elect Gabriel Boric, I would like to raise the following question: how hard and complex will the so-called “installation” of the new government of the I Approve Dignity pact be?
The Ministers and Undersecretaries are already appointed, it is only necessary to know those in charge of composing the Government in the regions, and what their profiles will be in the face of this new political cycle. I only wish for success, because although it sounds cliché, if the President and his Government do well, the citizens can be calm and without fear; for this reason, it is expected that the representatives in the territory of the central administration, will take as little time as possible to accommodate themselves to their positions, and on the other hand, that the most conservative and reluctant sectors of the new government, will not start so soon with the bombardment of the new management.
Faced with the above, the functioning of the National Congress and the behavior of parliamentarians in the “start-up” of the new administration will be crucial, but what the group of conventional constituents does will also be fundamental. We are no longer in times for political liking, the collective climate is demanding more from them.
Experts have pointed out that Chile will face an economic period that will necessarily limit investment and social spending, which may cause citizen spirits to alter, promoting a deepening of a crisis that woke up with the outbreak of 2019 but that remains latent, silent, but latent. It is time for politics and politicians to begin to think about Chile, and for the existing differences to be clearly concentrated in the debate of bills relevant to the country, rather than in short-term views without a vision of the State.
The call is that politicians, in a Congress that will promote dialogue and the search for agreements as never before, put the national good above the particular interest. Social transformation must be transversal and involve all actors. Do not repeat the same mistakes that can throw overboard what is built with effort and work. Give prestige back to politics, I don’t think it’s that difficult.

The content expressed in this opinion column is the sole responsibility of its author, and does not necessarily reflect the editorial line or position of El Mostrador.

Original source in Spanish

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