AMLO defends campaign that exposes deputies as ‘traitors to the homeland’

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador defended Morena’s campaign to expose as ‘traitors to the homeland’ the opposition deputies who voted against the electricity reform, justifying that it is in the Criminal Code.
During his morning conference, he read article 123 of the code which specifies that prison sentences – between 5 and 40 years – must be applied for the crime of ‘treason’ when carrying out acts against the independence, sovereignty or integrity of the nation in order to subject it to people, group or foreign government.
The president said that those who have betrayed the homeland by rejecting the electricity reform and benefiting foreign companies should be called by name and asked not to be afraid of polarization.

When questioned about Morena’s discourse and accusations towards the opposition as “vendepatrias”, he asked the deputies not to tear their clothes and assume their responsibility.
“That everyone takes responsibility for their actions, but that they do not tear their clothes saying ‘I do not want to be told that I am a traitor’ when consciously or unconsciously helps foreign companies that sought to destroy the public company Federal Electricity Commission and harm millions of Mexican consumers because they voted, conscious or unconscious, in favor of Iberdrola,” he said.
Read: The electricity reform does not reach a qualified majority in the Chamber of Deputies

The president said it is best to leave hypocrisy and agreements “in the dark” when the interests of the nation are at stake.
“Nor be afraid of what they call polarization, that does not exist as such in Mexico, only that they are referring to an elite and the people. But here we are not 50 and 50, with all due respect. I can tell you that there is more polarization in the United States, with all due respect, than there is in Mexico. Here what is happening is that those who felt they owned Mexico and were dedicated to looting (…) now they are upset, they are dissatisfied and because they bring a campaign against us,” he said.

“Ricardo Flores Magón said that the one who delivered the country’s natural resources abroad was a traitor to the homeland,” said @lopezobrador_ in reference to the rejection of the electricity reform; “things have to be called by their name,” he added.
— Animal Político (@Pajaropolitico) April 21, 2022

López Obrador recalled that he applied the article of the Penal Code to former President Enrique Peña Nieto for the energy reform and that he filed the complaint.
He assured that, despite that, he respects the former president because unlike other former presidents “he did not get into the election” of 2018 and rejected the attempts of “the machuchones” to take away the victory.

. @lopezobrador_ said that he respects former President @EPN, despite denouncing him, because unlike other presidents “he did not get into the election” of 2018 and rejected the attempts of “the machuchones” to take away the victory.
— Animal Político (@Pajaropolitico) April 21, 2022

Read: Morena criticized ‘lists’ and now points to ‘traitors to the homeland’ with posters in states
Both Morena and López Obrador legislators described it as an “act of betrayal of Mexico” that they stopped the electricity reform; they were branded as “vendepatrias” and defenders of foreign companies that are dedicated to stealing.
On Tuesday, Morena announced a campaign in which posters are disseminated to “inform with name, surname, face and party in each district that the deputies” who voted against the initiative.
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Original source in Spanish

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