Mexico to Support Families of Texas Shooting Victims

The government of Mexico, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE), will provide support to relatives of some of the fatal victims of the shooting at the elementary school in Uvalde, Texas.Last Tuesday, May 24, Salvador Ramos, an 18-year-old, entered robb elementary school with firearms, in a town located 250 kilometers from the Texas capital, and proceeded to open fire on students and teachers of four grades. Through his official Twitter account, the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Marcelo Ebrard Casaubón, announced that 10 relatives of the fatalities of the massacre of the academic institution of Uvalde requested support from the Mexican Foreign Ministry to be able to attend the funeral that will take place in the UNITED STATES territory. Ten relatives of victims of the Uvalde tragedy asked us for support to attend the funeral in Texas. Mexico accompanies them as well as those who lost their hij@s in their immense pain and embraces the entire affected community. Condolences to the people of the United States,” the official wrote. In this sense, Ebrard Casaubón assured that the Mexican government will accompany the Mexican relatives of the people who died as a result of the shooting carried out by Ramos.SRE confirms that there are no Mexicans among victims of the shooting in Texas Two days after the tragedy of Uvalde, the Secretary of Foreign Affairs announced that none of the 21 people killed by the 18-year-old was of Mexican nationality. We are going to be very attentive to give them all the support in case they need Mexico, there we are, the consul is there, he has been very diligent and has been providing his support permanently,” he said at a press conference about Mexicans who could be indirectly affected by the violent events of last Tuesday. It was around noon on May 24 that Salvador Ramos entered Robb Elementary School, locking himself in one of the classrooms along with students and teachers from four grades of basic level. We recommend you read: Although the police arrived at the place a few minutes after the teenager did, waiting for a special team, Ramos took the opportunity to shoot the people with whom he had locked himself, depriving of the life of 21 people in total, including 19 minors. Zamora and Imelda get in the ring

Original source in Spanish

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