World Environment Day in water crisis

To promote environmental awareness and boost global action, on June 5, the United Nations was born with World Environment Day. This 2022 the motto is “One Earth”, in order to highlight the importance of maintaining a sustainable lifestyle by promoting the proper and rational use of existing resources.
According to United Nations experts, there are currently three main risks that threaten our future: accelerated climate change, the loss of biodiversity and the increase in pollution and waste, all of them issues of relevance and current concern also for our country, however, the lack of water has been in recent times, one of our biggest concerns.
According to the UN, water scarcity is already a global problem that affects more than 40% of the world’s population, with Chile being one of the countries where its effects have been felt most strongly, with more than 12 years of continuous drought, ending 2021 with more than 50% of the country’s communes under decree of water scarcity and alarmingly, with reservoirs for drinking water with a deficit of 27.5%.
All of the above has led our authorities to prepare a water rationing plan for the Metropolitan Region that consists of 4 stages, the last being the “Red Alert” which, in case of continuing with water deficit, will force the realization of “rotating” water cuts for a maximum of 24 hours.
The rationing plan could affect more than 8 million people, however, a rationing plan alone will not end the problem of lack of water.
For an adequate allocation and management of our water resources, it is essential to make greater investments in research and use of technology that collaborate with the management of basins and with the sampling of groundwater, which will allow us to know exactly the available water, hand in hand with indications from a “technical” and “non-political” body, to manage our water resources.
In turn, the entire society has an important role in the sustainable use of water. At the level of municipalities it is necessary to maintain an adequate maintenance and repair of water conduction systems, rethinking the design of green areas, changing species of high water consumption such as grass, for native or introduced species adapted to low humidity conditions, among other initiatives.

Finally, at the level of citizens, we can collaborate by making a rational and responsible use of water in our daily activities, such as showers, cleaning and irrigation, in addition to promoting the efficient use of water in the new generations.

The content expressed in this opinion column is the sole responsibility of its author, and does not necessarily reflect the editorial line or position of El Mostrador.

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