There are 5,245 cases of COVID; experts warn of possible fifth wave

Mexico added another 5,245 cases of COVID-19 and another 13 deaths on Wednesday, while health experts warn of the possible arrival of a fifth wave of infections.
The federal Ministry of Health reported this afternoon that the number of accumulated cases in more than two years of the pandemic amounted to 5 million 802 thousand 672, while that of deceased people reached 325 thousand 055.
On Monday, the agency in charge of Jorge Alcocer announced that it would resume its daily technical reports, after an uptick in infections.

During that same afternoon, he reported that in a week more than 18,000 cases accumulated. On Tuesday there were another 8,026.

Technical Statement Diario #COVID19 I June 8, 2022
— SALUD Mexico (@SSalud_mx) June 9, 2022

Health experts have publicly stated that this new increase in infections was to be expected, given that COVID-10 is not an eradicated disease and in recent weeks sanitary measures had been relaxed. 

Given this, they see it possible that a fifth wave of cases will arise.
Faced with this, health authorities have acknowledged the rebound, although they maintain that the increase in cases is not accompanied by increases in hospitalizations for seriously ill people or in deaths.
Globally, several more countries have recorded new spikes in recent infections.
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Original source in Spanish

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