What are the most common scams in the app?

WhatsApp has become one of the most used social networks around the world and therefore it is normal that this space is used by cybercriminals who use various tools to make their victims fall. For this reason, below, we will tell you some of the most common scams and that you should avoid so as not to be a victim of this type of electronic fraud. According to various technology experts, cybercriminals use a wide variety of techniques in WhatsApp, which may be related to downloading applications of unknown origin or suspicious links that have the sole purpose of stealing your information. According to Kaspersky Lab, a renowned computer security company, only in WhatsApp during the year of 2021 89.6% of malicious links were sent, and at least 91 thousand cases of phishing were reported. One of the most common scams on WhatsApp is the so-called “phishing”, which is a method in which criminals impersonate companies or financial institutions to establish contact through messages indicating an error in your bank account. It is common that in most cases criminals send a message next to a link which “YOU SHOULD NOT CLICK”, since it could be a fraud. So it is advisable to make sure that it is not a impersonated profile. Or failing that, contact your bank for clarification. You may also be interested in the above, some experts point out that the most common frauds in WhatsApp are; Bank promotions, financial aid, prizes, request for bank details, hijacking of WhatsApp accounts, malicious links among others. Viralize on TikTok the ravages of the rain in Culiacán

Original source in Spanish

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