AFIP began to return the 35% income tax it charges with the solidarity dollar: How to ask for the refund

The Federal Administration of Public Revenue (AFIP) began today to return the perceptions of the income tax to those who bought foreign currency or made consumption in foreign currency last year. The perception consists of an aliquot of 35% for the purchase of foreign currency.” The AFIP will begin to effect the return of income tax receipts to all those individuals who made consumption in foreign currency with credit and debit cards, as well as those who made purchases of foreign currency for hoarding until 12/31/2021, “said sources close to the tax agency. The refunds will have as beneficiaries all those people who have completed the refund request process and who are not registered in the income tax or in Personal Property.” It will proceed to make the requests for returns approved during the first month of the current year, which involves an approximate total of $ 1,850 million and benefits just over 45,000 people, “estimated sources close to the AFIP. In the case of those people who do pay Personal Property and Earnings, whether self-employed or employed in a relationship of dependency, they have a different regime. In the case of the self-employed, they can report these operations in their annual affidavit and those who are employed in a dependency relationship inform their employers until March of the following year and, if there is an excess withholding, it is returned to them later. How to request a tax refund
Those who need to request the refund of the tax and do not pay Personal Property and Profits, must access with a tax code to the service “Return of perceptions”. To do this, you must enter the AFIP page: with a tax code. The system will display on the screen the list of enabled services of the AFIP, there you must select “Return of perceptions”. In case the service is not available, you must enable it using the “Tax Key Relationship Manager” option. Requirements

Unique Tax Identification Code (CUIT) and tax code.
Inform the AFIP of the Uniform Banking Key (CBU) of the bank account where you want to receive the refund, through the service “Declaration of CBU for collections of tax, customs and social security origin”.
Count, previously, with the cancellation of debts or regularization of inconsistencies, to later be able to prove what was perceived.
Have constituted the Electronic Tax Domicile.


Enter with “Tax Code”
Enter the option of “Return of perception”
Select the “New” option found in the upper left margin. As a result, a new screen will open where you have to select name and the following fields:
* Organization: AFIP
* Form: F746/A – Returns and transfers
* Fiscal Period: indicate the period for which the refund is requested
The system will display the detail of perceptions recorded in “My Withholdings” for that period. You must mark which are the ones you want to process in return.
In case there are perceptions not registered in the system, they can be entered by selecting: “ADD PERCEPTION”.
To make the load you have to inform: origin, card, date of payment of the summary and / or settlement / Debit date, amount of the perception.
When the data upload is complete, you need to select the RECORD button. To finish charging, press the PRESENT button. The system will ask if the submission is confirmed, and then report that the submission has already been made. By accepting this message, the acknowledgment of receipt of the presentation can be displayed.

Follow-up of the procedure
To track the return, you must enter with “Fiscal Key” to the “My Web Applications” service. You will see the login screen to the service and you must select the SEARCH option, there, click on OK to view the requests made. In this way, it will display the requests made and, if you click on SUBMITTED, you can see the status of the selected application and the system will display the status of the procedure.

Original source in Spanish

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