Social Explosion: outstanding debts in times of democracy

Mr. Director,
October 18, 2019 was etched in the history of Chile: society exploded its anger in the streets, for the years of structural inequalities, injustices and the constant breakdown of its dignity. This anger of years had its fruit in a constituent process. A heterogeneous Constitutional Convention drafted the new text and although the majority rejected it, the process is still open and our expectation remains set on advancing to a Constitution that has human rights at its center. 
But the social outbreak also had other consequences, which Amnesty International is closely following. During the demonstrations thousands of people were violated. There were 10,936 complaints but to date, only 0.1 per cent of convictions have been recorded. It is clear that the scenario is one of impunity for the most serious human rights violations since the return to democracy.
In this context, Amnesty International has requested the investigation of the strategic commanders of the Carabineros, at least of the then General Director, Deputy Director General and Director of Order and Security for their alleged responsibility in the crimes committed. The time has come for the Prosecutor’s Office to decide if there is merit for its formalization and then take another step in the fight against impunity.
Rodrigo Bustos
Executive Director of Amnesty International Chile

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Original source in Spanish

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