Netflix modified its contracting conditions, after a complaint from the province of Buenos Aires

After the Government of the Province of Buenos Aires denounced the leading streaming company Netflix, for abusive clauses that limited the rights of consumers, the platform finally modified its contracting conditions for the national territory. From now on, Netflix will stop using laws of the State of Delaware (United States), and will adapt to the Civil and Commercial Code of the Argentine Nation.On January 5, the new Terms of Use of the service came into force and in this update the company eliminated three clauses that violated consumer rights according to Argentine laws, as reported by the Ministry of Production, Science and Technological Innovation of Buenos Aires. It is a clause that imposed that payments made by the consumer would never be refundable by the company, limiting the possibility of claiming and establishing that credit would never be granted in favor of the user. Another clause that imposed the waiver of consumers to initiate claims and participate in collective actions in defense of their rights and a third that established that the terms of use would be governed by US laws of the State of Delaware, in violation of the Civil and Commercial Code of the Nación.Al same time the clause that conditioned the cancellation of the subscription was also adapted, limiting the rights of users and their freedom to contract.

Original source in Spanish

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