Citizen Movement triples participation of women in Public Speaking and Debate

Morelia, Michoacán. – From 15 to 45 participants increased the 2nd edition of the State Tournament of Oratory and Debate: The Voice of Women organized by Women in Movement of Citizen Movement (MC).
At a press conference, the Federal Deputy and National Coordinator of Women in Movement, Jessica Ortega de la Cruz, highlighted the challenge for women to take over decision-making spaces, for speeches to be a reality and for women to express their thoughts and capacity in this type of events and actions beyond demonstrations.
“We want many women representing Michoacán in Congress and creating public policies, eradicating the 64.6 percent of women who feel violated, reducing the wage gap of 13.4 percent.”
She said that women need to be heard by the federal executive and that there be a reconstruction of the government in this regard.
Meanwhile, Jimena Berthely Durruty, State Delegate of Women in Movimiento Michoacán, highlighted the growth of this event in which resources will be delivered. To the winners in the different categories.
In his opportunity, the State Coordinator of Movimiento Ciudadano Michoacán, Antonio Carreño Sosa made it clear that MC bets on youth and women to exercise good government, “a more prosperous and egalitarian Michoacan.”
She insisted that MC goes hand in hand with civil society organizations and continues with the growth of young women’s activism.

Original source in Spanish

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