There will be no increase in the transport fare this year: Bedolla –

Morelia, Michoacán.- There will be no increase this year in the fare of public transportation in Michoacán, Governor Alfredo Ramírez Bedolla made clear.At the press conference at Casa Michoacán he pointed out the above after announcing that there is no brake on the Mobility Law of Michoacán.And it is that, the general director of the Coordinating Commission of Public Transport (Cocotra), Juan Daniel Manzo Rodríguez reported that 38 amparos were denied for not proving legal interest. It should be recalled that the leader of the CRT, José Trinidad Martínez Pasalagua, reported last November that they had been granted the amparo and Governor Alfredo Ramírez filed a complaint. He pointed out that the Mobility and Road Safety Law of the state of Michoacán was an imposition voted through a legislative albazo and the repression of the public force on June 1, 2023, “for evident influence peddling and buying of consciences to deputies of the LXXV Legislature by Governor Alfredo Ramírez Bedolla, in a session held in a party hall located south of the city of Morelia, Regardless of what the rules require, they approved the law in question.” Now it was the ninth district judge, Luis Fernando Arreola Villa, who last Friday, February 2, determined that the Mobility and Road Safety Law is constitutional.

Original source in Spanish

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