Call for a vigil at the gates of the Morón Slaughterhouse: “The last goodbye to the animals”

The Animal Save Movement called for a vigil at the gates of the Morón Slaughterhouse to make visible the negative effects of the livestock industry together with the organizations Plant Based Agreement, DifusiónV, Health Save and Climate Save Movement, among others. Under the slogan “Be a witness to the truth”, the organization calls on society to demonstrate this Thursday, March 21 from 3 to 7 p.m., with the aim of raising awareness about the effects generated by livestock farming and, in turn, invites them to “see the faces of the victims of an unfair and unnecessary production system”. Initially, the convocation was scheduled for Wednesday, March 20, but due to heavy rains it was decided to postpone the vigil to Thursday. In the statement issued by the Animal Save Movement, an international organization dedicated to making visible the reality faced by animals in slaughterhouses around the world, they took up a phrase from the former Beatles, Paul McCartney: “If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be a vegetarian,” he said in a call for collective action. Livestock farming generates adverse effects on the environment such as deforestation, forest fires, the use of pesticides, the emission of greenhouse gases, among others. For this reason, the Animal Save Movement highlights the “need to transition to a plant-based system.” In Argentina, cardiovascular diseases (largely linked to the consumption of animal protein) are one of the main causes of death, and processed meats have been declared as group 1 carcinogens by the WHO (World Health Organization),” the organization said. In addition to the damage to the environment and health, the organization points to this industry as “responsible for the murder of billions of animals per year.” For all those reasons, the Plant-Based Agreement seeks to “halt the widespread degradation of critical ecosystems caused by livestock farming, promote a shift towards healthier and more sustainable plant-based diets, and actively reverse the damage done to planetary functions, ecosystem services, and biodiversity,” they add. Through phrases such as “compassion is an act of courage” and “witnessing has started revolutions”, the Animal Save Movement invites us to be witnesses, to generate social change through empathy and help build a more just world. 

Original source in Spanish

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