Dani Alves Posted Bail And Will Be Released From Jail

Dani Alves’ defence in the trial that has him as a defendant for alleged sexual abuse deposited the million euros imposed on him by the Provincial Court of Barcelona as a condition for his provisional release pending his final sentence. That way, according to Infobae, the Brazilian will leave Brians II prison in the next few hours after 14 months in pre-trial detention. At the same time, the Court has already withdrawn his two passports – Spanish and Brazilian – as a precautionary measure to prevent him from fleeing the country. In addition, he will be prohibited from approaching or communicating with the victim and will be obliged to appear weekly in court, as the court ruled after agreeing to his provisional release on bail of one million euros. In that sense, the Brazilian, in addition to losing his contract with the Mexican Pumas and his advertising collaborations, has several embargoes and the Treasury owes him one million euros. For her part, his lawyer, Inés Guardiola, requested last Friday an extension of the closing time of the locker where he was to deposit his client’s bail, but in the end he could not collect all the money and Alves spent the weekend in the Brians II penitentiary center.

Original source in Spanish

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