Alfonso Martínez kicks off the campaign “Zero Dengue with a Clean Patio” –

Morelia, Michoacán. – With the aim of eliminating insects and offspring that generate a viral disease transmitted by the bite of the Aedes Aegypti mosquito, the Municipal President, Alfonso Martínez Alcázar started the campaign “Zero Dengue with a Clean Yard” in the vicinity of the Chiquito River, which consists of raising awareness among the population to have clean patios, rooftops and public spaces. as well as carry out fumigation work by the municipal authority, according to a statement. Alfonso Martínez said that the best way to prevent dengue is to eliminate all mosquito breeding sites and that is possible by removing pots in homes and their immediate surroundings, “many eggs can be generated in a bucket, on the roof of a house, in a tire” stressed the Mayor. the most effective larvicide against all species of mosquitoes that are vectors of diseases such as dengue, in addition to informing families that water tanks and yards should be washed, covered, turned over and cleaned. Likewise, thermonebulizers will be fumigated on the margins of the 14 drains of Morelia, as well as the Galaxia Tarímbaro Drain and in the Rio Grande and Río Chiquito. These actions will be carried out at night and the population will be notified through loudspeaker days; the North area will be mainly served in a first stage, as well as works throughout the city. Likewise, any element that can serve as a breeding ground for mosquitoes will be de-cacharrized, in green areas and rivers, actions that will be carried out in a coordinated manner by the Secretariat of Public Services, Secretariat of Common Good, Secretariat of the City Council, Ooapas and Directorate of the Municipal Institute of Health.

Original source in Spanish

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