Caputo visited Neuquén: he toured Vaca Muerta with the governor and the president of YPF

This Wednesday, the Minister of Economy, Luis Caputo, visited the wells that the oil company has in the unconventional mega-field of Vaca Muerta, together with the president of YPF, Horacio Marín, and the governor of Neuquén, Rolando Figueroa. The tour included various facilities of the company in the vicinity of Añelo.” Vaca Muerta plays a fundamental role in the future of the country, from the development of LNG we have a great opportunity to become net exporters of energy and to contribute to the development of the country,” said Figueroa. Meanwhile, on his social networks, Caputo shared his impression of the visit with a single word: “Impressive.” The minister also highlighted the strong investment of 700 million dollars that Transportadora Gas del Sur (TGS) will make to increase gas production. This year, Neuquén will receive the highest level of oil investments in its history, with some 8,629 million dollars, according to the plans presented by the operators to the Ministry of Energy of the Nación.De according to a report made by the consulting firm Aleph Energy, the sum will be 3.8% above the 8,313 million dollars executed last year. marking the highest figure recorded so far. Projections indicate that during 2024, the province of Neuquén will concentrate 76% of Argentine upstream investments, a notable growth compared to 71% last year. Chubut, in second place, will receive 10% of the investments, equivalent to 1,088 million dollars. At the national level, investments would amount to 11,361 million dollars, slightly below the 11,760 million dollars of last year. This retraction is largely explained by YPF’s withdrawal from some 30 conventional areas in Neuquén, Mendoza, Chubut, Santa Cruz and Tierra del Fuego, which are in the process of being sold, to concentrate its efforts on Vaca Muerta.

Original source in Spanish

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