“The situation could get dangerous”: Strong warning from the PRO to the Government

After taking office as president of the PRO Assembly in the midst of the internal open air with Bullrichism, national deputy Martín Yeza warned the government that if the yellow space stopped collaborating in Congress, the situation in Argentina could become “dangerous.” This is a government with an institutional minority, where if we were to take an attitude of looking a little more at ourselves and less at the government to see how to help in a healthy way, as we are doing, it is true that the situation in Argentina could become dangerous,” said the new president of the PRO Assembly. Since the approval of Congress to the Bases Law and the Fiscal Package, the PRO, under the leadership of Mauricio Macri, came out to mark its differences with the Government. This week, through its think tank, the Pensar Foundation, warned about the increase in poverty and indigence and the fall in wages and economic activity. Then, the former president demanded that Javier Milei comply with the Court’s ruling and restore to the Federal Capital the points of co-participation that the administration of Alberto Fernández.La internal ended up exploding this Thursday, when in the meeting of the assembly members, Macrism promoted Martín Yeza as head of the Assembly to the detriment of Bullrich. The sector referred to in the Minister of Security left the meeting, arguing that the former president did not respect the unity agreement they sealed to support his return to the national leadership of the space. “They are left with a small party, of friends, of losers,” the Bullrichistas came out with the plugs on end at the end of the summit that took place at the Hotel Abasto, in the City of Buenos Aires.The backdrop of this internal is the intention of Bullrich, former head of the PRO and candidate for president of the extinct Together for Change in the last presidential elections. to merge the PRO with La Libertad Avanza in order to give greater legislative muscle to the ruling party and in the face of next year’s midterm elections. In the leadership of the PRO, on the other hand, they do not agree with that vision and are betting on reconfiguring the party after last year’s electoral debacle. 

Original source in Spanish

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