After the signing of the May Pact, Milei led the military parade for Independence Day

As part of the celebrations for Independence Day and after the signing of the Act of May in Tucumán, the traditional military parade was held on Tuesday, July 9, in the City of Buenos Aires.The event, which had been absent since 2019, was attended by around 7 thousand members of the military and security forces. as well as aircraft, tanks and other units of the Army and Air Force. The ceremony was attended by President Javier Milei and Vice President Victoria Villarruel.De the caravan, which departed after 10:30 a.m. from the corner of Libertador Avenue and Agüero Avenue and advanced to Dorrego Avenue, 350 horses, tanks, jeeps and trucks participated; more than 60 aircraft, including a squadron of the IA-63 Pampa II from Mendoza, helicopters and 5 Navy ships, which were stationed in docks of the New Port and can be visited until Wednesday, July 10 from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. the 1st Patricios Infantry Regiment, the 1st Artillery Regiment, the Military College of the Nation and the Sergeant Cabral Non-Commissioned Officer School, in addition to other regiments from Campo de Mayo, City Bell and La Plata and troops from other parts of the country. The special moment was at the moment when the veterans of the Malvinas War were honored.Meanwhile, the libertarian leader witnessed the parade from an official box set up on Avenida del Libertador along with the members of his Cabinet, his parents and his sister Karina.And, at the end of the event, after 1 p.m., he was invited to board an Army TAM 2C-A2 tank with Vice President Victoria Villarruel, from where they greeted the public.

Original source in Spanish

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