5 of the 6 murdered on Sunday in Uruapan – MonitorExpresso.com identified

Uruapan, Michoacán. – So far, 5 of the 6 people killed last Sunday in different parts of this city of Uruapan have been identified before the authorities. Firstly, the driver of a pickup truck that was killed on Condesa Street, in the Santa Rosa neighborhood, responded in life to the name of Salvador V., 45 years old originally from Ario de Rosales. while of the two men and a woman tied up and shot who were abandoned on the Libramiento Oriente, the woman named Blanca Daney R.C., 50 years old, who died at the scene, while Víctor Joven C., 28 years old and another man, still unidentified, they perished on the way to a hospital. As for the man shot to death and located in the square of the Zumpimito neighborhood, south of the city, he was identified as Rigoberto V., a day laborer by trade. Finally, the subject killed on the Uruapan-Paracho highway, near the turnoff to La Basilia, under a pedestrian bridge, was recognized as Giovany L., 20 years old. So far, only one of the victims who was located on the Libramiento, remains unknown.

Original source in Spanish

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