Mendoza: a 24-year-old woman died while skiing in Las Leñas

A 24-year-old woman from Mendoza died when she was skiing off-piste in an area known as Eduardo in the Las Leñas Valley, according to the Ministry of Security of the province of Cuyana. The victim is Zoe Argerich, who was a native of Luján de Cuyo. The event was alerted by a pistero, who called the 24th Police Station of the same complex around 3:40 p.m. on Tuesday, indicating that a woman had suffered an accident while skiing. In the aforementioned area, the woman fell and suffered numerous blows that caused her death and very close were three of her cousins, who were also experts and had accompanied her to Las Leñas.The staff of the health center of the complex confirmed her death from “polytrauma due to a fall from a mountain to subsequent death” and the body of the victim was transferred to the judicial morgue of San Rafael for the performance of the The corresponding autopsy, while the prosecutor Andrea Llorente.La Eduardo area where the tragic event occurred is so called because it is where an instructor died in the ’80s and it has a large number of variants of descent and very steep slopes, in the middle of the bare mountain, without trees. Specialists who skied in the area explained that “it does not have special signage, it is like catching a raw mountain”, while the off-piste is so dangerous that a demarcation is signed that implies that the person is under their responsibility. Who was the deceased young woman?
The aforementioned Mendoza media pointed out that Zoe María Argerich was a young ski enthusiast who came to do a double season in Europe and the United States, while, within the discipline, she was an expert and even gave professional classes to new apprentices. Zoe was recognized in the world of sports and taught at the Las Leñas school, the same one that instilled in her the passion and skill for this activity since she was just a child. The event shocked Mendoza society, since the Argerich family went through another well-known tragedy: Zoe’s sister, Azul, is in the San Andrés Foundation in a coma after suffering a car accident that occurred on December 8, 2016.

Original source in Spanish

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