The government came out at the crossroads of criticism for the military parade on July 9

The government rejected criticism of the military parade on July 9, for Independence Day, and said it was “proud” of the event, while blaming Kirchnerism for the “invisibility” of the security forces. We are proud of what happened yesterday and it will be repeated every year,” said presidential spokesman Manuel Adorni during Wednesday’s press conference at Casa Rosada. “This rift between the forces and the rest of the Argentines is behind us,” he added. Asked about the criticism of Tuesday’s military parade, in which President Javier Milei, Vice President Victoria Villarruel and officials of the national government participated, the spokesman linked them to Kirchnerism. Yesterday (Tuesday) you saw comments from people related to Kirchnerism, including the media, who spoke of the return of the ’70s and [Jorge Rafael] Videla and the military process and I don’t know how many more. There is a sector that is obviously scared to see a tank, or an Argentine in uniform,” said the spokesman for the libertarian administration. “It seems to me that we have to put aside the belief that security forces in general are a dirty word,” the official continued. Quite the opposite. What we Argentines felt yesterday, when we saw all that, from the Malvinas ex-combatants to the last person who has paraded, even the tanks, the helicopters, plus the rest of the issues where one saw Argentina represented, there was a very strong feeling of patriotism in all of us who were present there.” The specific question to which Adorni responded came from the Center of Former Combatants of La Plata, which refused to participate in the parade because of the president’s praise of former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and the presence of military personnel accused of crimes against humanity. Resuming his criticism of Kirchnerism, Adorni said he felt “sorry” for those who seek to link the Armed Forces with the last civic-military dictatorship. We are not willing to do what they did in other governments, which was to revile them and relate them only to the military process, which also occurred 40 years ago and yesterday we saw many young people parade. Pity for those who relate episodes that today are very difficult to relate to others. In addition, we also saw the lack of funding in the budget, as the security forces were mistreated. We are proud of what happened yesterday and it will be repeated every year. The rift between the forces and the rest of the Argentines is behind us,” he concluded.

Original source in Spanish

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