AMLO advocates for the continuity of Robledo, López and Svarch for the next government –

Mexico. – In his morning conference on Tuesday, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) highlighted the need to keep certain officials in the health sector in the next administration. Among the names mentioned are Zoé Robledo, director of the IMSS; Ruy López, Undersecretary of Health; and Alejandro Svarch, head of Cofepris.The president admitted that the crisis in the health sector, inherited from previous governments, cannot be solved in a six-year term. For this reason, he considered the arrival of Claudia Sheinbaum to the presidency positive, whom he described as “an extraordinary, honest and sensitive woman.” In relation to the aforementioned officials, López Obrador said: “It is very likely that those who are here, the three of them, will continue, I say because they are the three of the best.” A reporter asked him if he had discussed this with the president-elect, to which he replied: “No, no, I don’t talk about it, but it’s a waste, they have an academic level.” To underscore his point, López Obrador highlighted the academic credentials of each one: Zoé Robledo is a master in law; Ruy López has a doctorate in public health; and Alejandro Svarch has a specialty in internal medicine and a master’s degree in public health. “Where are they going to catch them? As they would say in my town,” he added. Finally, López Obrador celebrated the decision of the Mexican people in the June 2 elections, which ensures the continuity of the Fourth Transformation. “How intelligent the people of Mexico, how wise to decide that the transformation continues because the people know it, they know that an evil like this cannot be remedied in six years, that more time is required, so how good that they chose who is going to give continuity to the transformation,” he concluded.

Original source in Spanish

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