The French Football Federation denounced Argentina’s players to FIFA for racist chants

The French Football Federation (FFF) denounced Argentina’s players to FIFA for racist chants that were heard in a video that circulated on social networks. The president of the French Football Federation, Philippe Diallo, condemns in the strongest terms the unacceptable racist and discriminatory comments made against the players of the French national team in the context of a chant sung by players and fans of the Argentine national team after their victory in the Copa America and broadcast in a video on social networks. says the text released on the FFF website.
And he announced: “Given the seriousness of these shocking comments, contrary to the values of sport and human rights, the president of the FFF decided to directly challenge his Argentine counterpart and FIFA, and file a judicial complaint for insulting comments of a racial and discriminatory nature.” In the aforementioned recording, which comes from an Instagram live of midfielder Enzo Fernández, a good part of the Argentine squad can be heard singing a song that a group of fans created before the final of the World Cup in Qatar. The lyrics allude to the origins of several French players. This is not the first time that there is tension between the two federations over this song. Something similar already happened during the Qatar 2022 World Cup, when the French became aware of this situation and also went to FIFA.

Original source in Spanish

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