In August, a decree will be issued for the environmental certification of avocados –

Morelia, Michoacán.- Governor Alfredo Ramírez Bedolla announced that in mid-August the state decree for the voluntary certification of good avocado cultivation practices in Michoacán will be issued, they reported in a statement. Leading a working meeting with heads of the environmental cabinet, the president reviewed the progress of the preparation of the document to regularize the planting, production and marketing of avocados in a sustainable and sustainable way. He instructed to focus efforts on the integration of procedures for the certification of orchards, which will guarantee that they do not deforest soil since 2018 by adopting good environmental practices. He added that compensation for environmental services will be established with shares in own forests, annual economic payment to the trust for hydrological services and commercial forest plantation. At least 3,800 hectares of avocado cultivation would not pass the state certification because they are located in orchards outside the regulations, according to the report that was presented by the Forest Guardian satellite system. In addition, another 250,000 hectares of orchards that export avocado would have to pay for environmental services in a proportion of one to six hectares of forest for each deforested orchard. The meeting was attended by the heads of the Secretariats of Environment, Agriculture and Rural Development, State Commission for Water and Watershed Management, Forestry Commission, Attorney General’s Office for Environmental Protection, among others.

Original source in Spanish

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