The Government called for a parity of state workers’ unions

On Thursday, the National Labor Secretariat summoned the state workers’ unions to a new joint meeting to negotiate a salary update. The official notification was sent to the unions, including UPCN and ATE, to dialogue this Friday at 3 p.m. on the third floor of the Callao building 114.La last negotiation had been in May and now the union leaders will demand that the offers of salary recomposition exceed the inflation percentages. This meeting is part of the tensions of the unions of the sector with the management of Javier Milei, after having supported the candidacy of Sergio Massa.La management of Milei resolved to delay the salaries of the public administration as one of the mechanisms to contain inflation, in fact, the president himself stated that those salaries were not adjusted to the data of the Consumer Price Index (CPI).” It is the official data themselves that show that inflationary pressure on wages continues. It has to be clear that we do not want increases in quotas and we need a rapid injection of resources into the pockets of all workers,” Rodolfo Aguiar, general secretary of ATE, said in the last few hours. The last increases that were agreed were 16% in January, 12% in February and 8% in March and, despite the fact that ATE rejected them, UPCN, the majority union in the sector, validated them. Another conflictive issue is the dismissal of contracts promoted by the Government in different agencies, such as INTI, the Ministry of Women or INCAA, among others. In addition, the libertarian administration anticipated that there will be more cuts in contracts in the State, until completing a figure of 70 thousand people.

Original source in Spanish

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