Contracts of more than 70 state offices canceled for 2 billion pesos per year

The Chief of Staff, led by Guillermo Francos, announced this Thursday the termination of contracts for more than 70 offices throughout the country, which represents an annual savings of $2,298,218,220.Through the Agency for the Administration of State Assets (AABE), the libertarian administration notified that it advanced in “a significant reduction in office rental contracts that were used by different ministries throughout the country.” In addition, they specified that 71 rental contracts were cancelled throughout the country and stressed that “this measure is part of a policy of optimization and efficiency in the management of public resources.” This will mean savings of $191,518,251 per month and $2,298,218,220 per year for the Government, which affirms that the reductions in contracts “contribute significantly to the reduction of public spending.” In this way, 23 agreements were given in the province of Buenos Aires and seven in the Federal Capital, in addition to rentals in Catamarca, Chaco, Chubut, Córdoba, Corrientes, Entre Ríos, Formosa, Jujuy, La Pampa, Mendoza, Misiones, Río Negro, Salta, San Juan, San Luis, Santa Cruz, Santa Fe, Santiago del Estero, Tierra del Fuego and Tucumán. More than 3,500 workers from the Ministry of Tourism and Sports, Superintendence of Health Services, Ministry of Industry and Development, ANSES, AFIP, INADI, ENARGAS, ENACOM, among others, operated in the offices that were closed. It was also clarified that “in most cases, the workers were relocated to offices and buildings owned by the National State,” and that the intention of the Executive Branch is to continue with this policy, in fact, it provides for the termination of 106 more rental contracts.

Original source in Spanish

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