Macri visited La Rural: he distanced himself from Milei’s government and gave his opinion on the elections in Venezuela

Days before Javier Milei’s visit, the former president, Mauricio Macri, was present this Friday at La Rural and not only took the opportunity to distance himself from Casa Rosada, but also gave his opinion on the elections to be held in Venezuela.During a brief exchange with journalists, when asked about the economic measures aimed at the agricultural sector, he assured that “I don’t know, I don’t belong to the government,” and sentenced with an imitation of the cry that the libertarian generally uses: “Long live the countryside, dammit!” In addition, the former president, who in the run-up to the visit to Palermo met with the authorities of the Rural Society, did not want to talk about the internal PRO and his growing enmity with the Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich. However, he left a message about the elections in Venezuela. All Argentines have to be attentive to what is going to happen to our beloved Venezuelans, many of whom have come here. It is a historic opportunity for them to regain their freedom. This time we have to get (Nicolás) Maduro to accept the will of the Venezuelan people,” he said. It is worth noting that Macri’s response to the government is in a context in which he has a strong internal conflict with Patricia Bullrich that has repercussions on the life of the party and threatens to break the unity of the space in Congress. In fact, while the sector of the party referenced in the Minister of Security maintains that the Government must be accompanied “without conditions”, Macrism wants to maintain a certain autonomy to accompany what they agree with and question what they do not. Macrism also refuses to merge with La Libertad Avanza in an interbloc in the Chamber of Deputies and refuses to collaborate in the short term with the Casa Rosada.

Original source in Spanish

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