Latin American News in English

translated from Spanish: Coronavirus: 251 deaths and 12,105 infections in the last 24 hours

translated from Spanish: Coronavirus: 251 deaths and 12,105 infections in the last 24 hours

The Ministry of Health reported 12,105 new cases and 251 deaths from coronavirus in the past 24 hours. According to…

3 years hace

translated from Spanish: Arath de la Torre is accused of racism for commercially using the Papantla Voladores

Mexico.- A few days ago a commercial of MoneyMan was launched, where the protagonist was the Mexican actor and comedian…

3 years hace

translated from Spanish: 7 people involved in the massacre in Reynosa, Tamaulipas are arrested

Photography/ Mexico.- The government of Tamaulipas, through the Secretariat of Public Security, reported in a statement that elements of the…

3 years hace

translated from Spanish: Sinovac and Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines show 90% and 98% effectiveness in Chile

The second region that shows the most decline is Magallanes, which has decreased its cases 37.4% in the last 14…

3 years hace

translated from Spanish: The beach volleyball teams got their passes to the Olympics

It was a historic Sunday for the Argentine Beach Volley. In Paraguay and Chile, the Argentine national teams achieved the…

3 years hace

translated from Spanish: Second virtual edition of the Guelaguetza Muxe announced

Oaxaca.- Continuing with the success of the first online edition of the Guelaguetza Muxe last 2020, a second virtual edition…

3 years hace

translated from Spanish: Vitamin D Deficiency Increases Risk of Apioid Addiction: Study

Photography/Internet United States.- A new study conducted by researchers at the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) in the United States, has…

3 years hace

translated from Spanish: Collapsed building in Miami needed more than $9 million repairs

The collapsed building in Miami needed repairs and works worth more than nine million dollars, including $3.8 million for the…

3 years hace

translated from Spanish: How long will we last immunity to the coronavirus?

As the COVID-19 vaccination process progresses, the question becomes increasingly pressing: how long will our immunity last? Obviously, we do…

3 years hace