Latin American News in English

translated from Spanish: Mañalich and Piñera’s sayings about achieving herd immunity in June: “You’re wrong”

translated from Spanish: Mañalich and Piñera’s sayings about achieving herd immunity in June: “You’re wrong”

Former Health Minister Jaime Mañalich was part of CNN Chile's "Zero Tolerance" program, where he addressed the current pandemic scenario…

3 years hace

translated from Spanish: Jucopo appoints spokesist at Mexico City Congress

The Social Coordination Board (Jucopo) decided to appoint Susana de la Luz Coeto Valera, as the new holder of the…

3 years hace

translated from Spanish: Court seeks to pass rules against over-representation in Congress

The Electoral Tribunal of the Judiciary of the Federation issued the project that seeks to approve the CRITERIA of the…

3 years hace

translated from Spanish: Marcelo Barticciotto rules out presiding over Black and White and places shareholders: “They don’t take the weight on the need to make the course amends”

Colo Colo's idol, Marcelo Barticciotto, brazenly opted for the presidency of Black and White. Former albos players had been nominated…

3 years hace

translated from Spanish: They find two men and a woman beheaded near the South Libramiento de Jacona

home safety They find two men and a woman beheaded near the South Libramiento de Jacona Jacona, Michoacán.- On the…

3 years hace

translated from Spanish: Diego Torres reminded his mom’s No. 1 fan of 60 years of a historic fact

Diego Torres made a post today on his official Instagram account that caught the eye, but which he explained very…

3 years hace

translated from Spanish: A dead man and a serious injury in a shootout in front of a Paris hospital

A man has been killed and a woman seriously injured in front of a hospital in Paris from gunfire by…

3 years hace

translated from Spanish: They put 3rd dose of Covid-19 vaccine in the US for variants

United States.- Dozens of Americans are taking a third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, this time, injections adjusted to protect…

3 years hace

translated from Spanish: AMLO agrees with US to deploy 10,000 soldiers on southern border

The government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador agreed with the United States to deploy 10,000 soldiers on Mexico's southern border.…

3 years hace

translated from Spanish: Chile U. convenes volunteers to support traceability strategy in Primary Health Care

A recent report by the University of Chile, the Medical College and other institutions found that 37.5 percent of primary…

3 years hace