Latin American News in English

translated from Spanish: Donald Trump’s loves and throwovers between Latin America and the U.S.

translated from Spanish: Donald Trump’s loves and throwovers between Latin America and the U.S.

Open the letters about who will be contested on November 3 the U.S. presidency, with President Trump as a GOP…

4 years hace

translated from Spanish: From Miami, the Aphonicpremieres three new songs

The Afónica record label, based in Miami, Florida, seeks to expand in various parts of the world. In their quest…

4 years hace

translated from Spanish: Venezuelan MP is free to be released after questioning for several hours

Caracas.- The mother of the Venezuelan opposition deputy Armando Armas was released this Saturday, hours after officials of the Bolivarian…

4 years hace

translated from Spanish: AMLO boasts relationship with entrepreneurs

"We are in favour of businessmen and reasonable profits, but we are against corruption," President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said…

4 years hace

translated from Spanish: Fanatic creates a portable Wii the size of a Game Boy Color

GingerOfMods put a Wii's motherboard in this little space. It's a little wider than the GB, but that's because on…

4 years hace

translated from Spanish: In Germany, police dispersed an anti-quarantine demonstration

Thousands of people, including far-right groups, marched today in Berlin against pandemic restrictions and ran into the police after they…

4 years hace

translated from Spanish: Parliamentarians call for 1% of the budget to be allocated to culture and incorporate the sector as a central factor in post-pandemic recovery

Through an open letter to the President of the Republic, Sebastian Piñera, senators and opposition deputies asked the Government for…

4 years hace

translated from Spanish: A former carabinieri partner who assaulted Fabiola Campillai: “This person must have been discharged when he attacked me”

The dramatic case of Fabiola Campillai, who lost all his sight after being shot a tear bomb during the Social…

4 years hace

translated from Spanish: Completes admission exam application for the Autonomous University of Sinaloa

Sinaloa.- During last Friday and today, aspiring students to enter a career from the Autonomous University of Sinaloa (UAS) took…

4 years hace

translated from Spanish: Trader is deprived of life aboard his car in Jacona, Michoacán

home Security Trader is deprived of life aboard his car in Jacona, Michoacán Jacona, Michoacán.- A merchant who was on…

4 years hace