Latin American News in English

translated from Spanish: Committees for Transformation, to arm the 4T: Carlos Torres Piña

translated from Spanish: Committees for Transformation, to arm the 4T: Carlos Torres Piña

Puruándiro; Michoacán.- To protect the actions, programs and contribute decisively to the transformation project and the change led by President…

4 years hace

translated from Spanish: Five Players from Los Pumas tested positive for coronavirus

The Argentine Rugby Union (UAR) confirmed five other positive cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) on the campus that restarted training at…

4 years hace

translated from Spanish: Covid-19: AstraZeneca and Oxford vaccine could be presented to regulators this year

Pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca participates with the University of Oxford in the development of a potential coronavirus vaccine, which appears safe…

4 years hace

translated from Spanish: Comptroller reported differences detected in Covid-19 death figures

The Comptroller General of the Republic released a final report showing the data provided by the Ministry of Health on…

4 years hace

translated from Spanish: Coronavirus worldwide: nearly 24 million cases and 800,000 dead

The numbers of the coronavirus continue to increase while we wait for the vaccine. Some countries resumed some activities, opened…

4 years hace

translated from Spanish: Mexico’s GDP falls 18.7% in second quarter, its worst drop in history

Mexico.- The National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI) reported on Wednesday that Mexico's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) recorded a…

4 years hace

translated from Spanish: Mayor of Tijuana denounces threats from Governor Bonilla in BC

After last Saturday, August 22, the governor of Baja California, Jaime Bonilla Valdez, accused the mayor of Tijuana, Arturo González…

4 years hace

translated from Spanish: Vaccine to be tested in Chile passes the test against all covid strains

They are optimistic that they see in China the new results obtained from the vaccine that sinovac is preparing, one…

4 years hace

translated from Spanish: U.S. elections US: Melania Trump softens aggressive Republican speech and calls unity during convention

America's first lady Melania Trump on Tuesday surprised with a speech in which she acknowledged the pain caused by the…

4 years hace

translated from Spanish: Usa. U.S. to release genetically modified mosquitoes to fight dengue

The main idea of the experiment is to radically eliminate the population of Aedes Aegypti, a dengue-transmitting mosquito, Zika, chikungunya…

4 years hace