Latin American News in English

translated from Spanish: What about HIV treatment? This says the IMSS

translated from Spanish: What about HIV treatment? This says the IMSS

The Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) explained on Tuesday that the lack of antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) in its inventories, necessary…

5 years hace

translated from Spanish: Colombia managed to end fuel theft, totally different strategist than AMLO

Colombia.- The Colombian authorities managed to reduce fuel theft by 95% in just two years. Its strategy involved the creation…

5 years hace

translated from Spanish: Minister proposes to regulate cannabis use in Argentina

Buenos Aires.- The new Argentine government announced on Tuesday that it evaluates regulate through a new law the consumption and…

5 years hace

translated from Spanish: Carabineros filed self-complaint over alleged use of caustic soda

On Monday, Carabineros filed a self-complaint before the Military Justice, after a report requested by the Health Resistance Movement (MSR)…

5 years hace

translated from Spanish: After 12 years can change history: President-elect of the Supreme wants a woman in the voice

The creation of the one-time spokesman figure to engage with the media and public opinion by the Supreme Court could…

5 years hace

translated from Spanish: AMLO enlists pardons and will seek house arrest of Mario Villanueva

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador reported that a series of presidential pardons were enlisted that would be executed before the…

5 years hace

translated from Spanish: They anticipate heavy rains and winds; snowfall in Baja California Peninsula, Northeast and North

Precipitation forecast for today 24 December 2019: Intervals of showers with heavy occasional rains (25 to 50 liters per square…

5 years hace

translated from Spanish: Sinaloa MPs approve budget with 133 mdp in reallocations

Sinaloa.- With the proposal of 1113 million pesos reallocated, and in an alternate venue, local deputies voted the Income and…

5 years hace

translated from Spanish: Inter Milan would offer 12 million euros for Arturo Vidal

Inter Milan decided to go with everything for the signing of Chilean midfielder Arturo Vidal in the winter pass market…

5 years hace

translated from Spanish: South Korean news agency mentioned references to K-pop in government ‘Big Data’ report

The mention of K-pop in the Government's Big Data report to the Public Prosecution Service crossed borders and arrived directly…

5 years hace