Latin American News in English

translated from Spanish: Vermont: Candidate for Governor has fourteen

translated from Spanish: Vermont: Candidate for Governor has fourteen

BURLINGTON, Vermont, USA (AP) — one of the four Democrats seeking the party's nomination in Vermont for the post of…

6 years hace

translated from Spanish: Cencosud: opening of the real estate arm returns to the desk of Paulmann

the possibility of opening the market its real estate arm has become for Cencosud in doing that is on the…

6 years hace

translated from Spanish: Andrea Frigerio: “I am actress thanks to Guillermo Francella”

La actriz de "Mi obra maestra" contó el motivo por el cual decidió insertarse en el mundo de la actuación.…

6 years hace

translated from Spanish: Pessimistic thinking are induced by an area of the brain, say scientists

home health pessimistic thinking are induced by an area of the brain, say scientists photo / theculturemastery United States. Researchers…

6 years hace

translated from Spanish: Mobilizations toward the UNAJ and UNQ against the defunding of public universities

Esta mañana se realizó un abrazo simbólico a la Universidad Nacional Arturo Jauretche y a las 17 será el turno de la…

6 years hace

translated from Spanish: Emilfork: Prosecutor to Yes can be reported by the press

it seems that not all are measured with the same yardstick in the public prosecutor's Office, something that has made…

6 years hace

translated from Spanish: Announced the third inter-Korean Summit in Pyongyang

Seoul-North Korean media reported today the agreement with South Korea to celebrate a new inter-Korean Summit in Pyongyang in September,…

6 years hace

translated from Spanish: Government and members of Parliament met after controversy ‘legislative drought’

this day was the meeting between President Sebastián Piñera and the Bureau of the Chamber of Deputies, after the controversy…

6 years hace

translated from Spanish: What makes plain to start the week with everything?

La modelo y conductora dio a conocer qué es lo que hace cada vez que quiere juntar más pilas. ¡Mirá!

6 years hace

translated from Spanish: Taxi driver dies pressed hit a trailer in Morelos

home security -taxi-driver dies pressed hit a trailer in Morelos Emiliano Zapata, Morelos.-a man died on impact his taxi on…

6 years hace