translated from Spanish: 139 femicides were reported in the first half of 2018

a total of 139 women and trans people became victims of femicide in the first half of this year, according to a survey conducted by the Observatory of Femicid IOS of the defender of the people of the nation.

The work contains all revealed cases of murders of women and transgender persons perpetrated by men for reasons associated with their gender. 

18% of the victims were under the age of 18 years; 30.9% had between 19 and 30; 29.5% corresponds to victims aged between 31 and 50 years and 20.9% to women over the age of 50. Within the 25 victims under the age of 18, 13 were under the age of 11.

27% of the femicides was recorded that the victim had made a previous complaint, while 45% not registered information. The largest number of cases were committed by adult men.  

The Observatory of femicides in the defender of the people of the nation revealed 139 femicides during the period between January 1 and June 30, 2018, of which 11 are linked and 4 are transgender people. – Fabián Destefano (@faymdq) August 14, 2018Sobre mode, in a large number of cases, the murders were committed using firearms or by stabbing, in so much that, a high percentage of the v ictimas were beaten or strangled. 

The province in which there were more cases was Buenos Aires, with a total of 42; It is followed by Córdoba with 14 cases; Santa Fe 13; 11 Tucumán and Mendoza 9. 

As for the collateral victims, indicated that 55 children were left without a mother and 4 children born died during the pregnancy of his murdered mother, subtracting 33% of the total number of cases unconfirmed data.

Gender-based violence Observatory of femicides in the defender of the people of the nation femicides

Original source in Spanish


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