translated from Spanish: SCD recognizes Jorge González as a Fundamental figure of Chilean music

as every year since 1989, the Chilean society of authors and music performers) SCD) delivery the recognition of Fundamental figure of the Chilean music, an award which celebrates an artist or group you have transcended and left a mark on the musical history of our country.
This year, the title of key figure is for the musician Jorge González Ríos, who received the award at an intimate ceremony and accompanied by relatives, friends and musicians nearby. This award recognizes the outstanding contribution of the artist to Chilean music, since its inception with the prisoner, until his solo career, which have taken him to a different trajectory of more than 30 years.
At the meeting the musician was honored live by several musicians as Cristóbal Briceño false ACEs, Los Vásquez and Francisca Valenzuela, who interpreted songs of his repertoire with the prisoner and soloist.

“I am very happy, it was very good. I liked the version made by my friends of hearts. I had a very good, seemed an event of lying. It was a surprise and a thrill. Today also launched a new album, spots, and then will be releasing an album of songs, in a couple of months,”said Jorge González.
In addition, the musician Horacio Salinas, President of SCD, assessed the work of the native of San Miguel pointing that: “their music broke into a very special moment in the country, where everything was dark in the musical and as well as socially. It is there where the value of Jorge González and the prisoner is at the origin of his music, which is a testimonial, which was born from the discomfort of that era, of a youth not heard who could feel this freshness with the songs of George”.
In this way, Jorge González, joins the list of other fundamental of Chilean music like Luis Advis, Vicente Bianchi, Margot Loyola, Los Jaivas, Quilapayún, Los Angeles Negros y Silvia Infantas, among others.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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